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Hong Kong Open Data Index 2021/2022 Report (Full Report in English Only)


This is the second report by the Hong Kong Open Data Index, and for the first time incorporates the results from a new global study Global Data Barometer, going beyond open data and its technical standards to further investigate data policies and practices in its governance, release and use. By expanding the scope of assessment, we are exploring methods to answer a bigger question: how to govern data for the public good?
本報告主要內容為「香港開放數據指數」正式發布後的第二次評估之結果,亦首次引入新成立的國際項目「全球數據指標」(Global Data Barometer),研究範疇從開放數據及其技術標準進一步擴大至數據管治、發布和使用等方面的政策措施。報告希望藉此探討一個更宏觀的問題:我們應當如何管治數據以造福公眾實現數據的良善價值?
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Hong Kong Open Data Index 2019/2020 Report (Full Report in English Only)

香港開放數據指數 2019/2020 評估報告 (中文僅限摘要)

The "Hong Kong Open Data Index" introduces international standards to assess the openness of public data in Hong Kong. This report has two main findings: (1) A few important datasets are not released in open data forms; (2) Inconsistent standards. In view of this, the report puts forward two recommendations: (1) Establish an interactive public participation platform to facilitate a user-centric and demand-driven process to enhance data availability; (2) Set up an interdepartmental task force to standardise data publication.
「香港開放數據指數」引入國際標準,評估香港公共數據的開放程度,發現挑戰所在,提出政策建議,與各持份者共同完善開放數據各項措施。此報告有兩大主要發現:(1)香港的部分數據未以開放數據形式釋出; (2)數據的授權標準不一。有見及此,報告提出兩項建議:(1)搭建互動參與平台,以⽤⼾為中⼼及需求為導向開放數據;(2)成立跨部⾨⼯作⼩組統⼀標準。(完整版本只有英文版)
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Hong Kong People's view on Open Data Survey Report(Full Report in Chinese Only)


This survey research is designed to build on the Hong Kong Open Data Index and further understand Hong Kong people’s views, demands and expectations on open data. The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPOP) was commissioned to carry out the research between 29 March and 19 April 2021. Questionnaires were given out to more than 90,000 members of the HKPOP panel who were over the age of 15, where 3,343 valid replies were collected. Members and event participants of the Internet Society Hong Kong also returned a total of 106 valid questionnaires.
本問卷調查的目標是在「香港開放數據指數」基礎上,進一步了解香港市民對開放數據現況的評價,以及需求和期待。香港民意研究所(簡稱「民研」)受委託實施調查,在2021年3月29日至4月19日期間,向超過九萬名成員的香港民研意見組群中15歲以上市民發放問卷,共收回 3343 份有效問卷。另外,香港互聯網協會會員及參與活動人士亦獲邀,並交回106份有效問卷。
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